articles Data and AI

Artificial intelligence to help in recording patient data – pilot projects funded by Sitra get a hefty boost to continue

AI-assisted patient record-keeping was successfully piloted in three wellbeing services counties in Finland in 2024 with support from Sitra.
news Democracy and polarisation
news Foresight

Sitra opens a funding call for reports examining the futures of economic growth

Sitra avaa rahoitushaun selvityksille, joissa tunnistetaan uusia talouden kasvuun liittyviä mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita sekä ehdotetaan aihioita tarvittaviksi ratkaisuiksi.

Top event highlights circular solutions to refine growth targets and sustainability agreements 

Bottlenecks to sustainable growth and tackling the root causes of the planetary crisis urgently require circular solutions.

Building a better future for the European Union

We must now have the courage to look far into the future. How will the European Union solve its current and future challenges and seize opportunities? Decision-makers, check out the Finnish Future Fund’s proposals for building a better Europe.

This is what we work with

Democracy and polarisation

Strengthening Finland’s well-being requires a functioning democracy. Where can we find solutions for reforming democracy, strengthening inclusion and preventing polarisation?


Data and AI

Better utilisation of data and artificial intelligence is key to promoting Finland’s well-being and accelerating sustainable economic growth. How do we solve the challenges and seize the opportunities data and AI offer?



Sitra produces long-term foresight data in anticipation of the future. In addition, we aim to support Finnish society in interpreting and making use of this data. This work will help decision-makers, companies, communities and individuals, to prepare for the future.


Societal training

Sitra aims to boost the ability of Finnish decision-makers and change-makers to deal jointly with the key social challenges and opportunities of the future. The objective of our training function is to generate new ideas and new solutions. Our activities aim to create learning environments that enable thinking about and developing things together.


Sustainability transition

The life, well-being and economy of Finns fully depend on nature. How can we change the way we operate so that we build a good life, successful business and sustainable public finances within the limits of nature’s carrying capacity?


Solving global challenges

Sitra is dedicated to addressing societal challenges that shape our world. See how we work internationally.


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publications Demokratia ja polarisaatio
publications Data and AI
Hand holding Weak signals guide
publications Foresight
publications International programmes